Parwals or pointed gourds are a very common summer vegetable in North India.It is had in different preparations including fish curries where it is added to the curry .In some states of eastern India ,leave alone the fruit ,even the leaves of this plant are equally relished.
Here I am sharing the step by step recipe of alu parwal,or the parwal prepares with potatoes.this is a very common item during the summer months in many of the states of Northern India.LIKE MY PAGE HERE
In this recipe the potatoes are added before adding the parvals and shallow fried for sometime .This gives a very different taste to the potatoes ,which cannot be attained if the potatoes and the parvals are added together.At the end of the cooking process you might have noticed that little wheat flour is added by mixing it in water.The wheat flour acts as a thickening agent in this recipe as this recipe is only based on few spices .In this recipe the flavour of the garam masala and the ghee is subtle yet adding them is absolutely compulsory for the right taste